streaming reflections
bert leveille artist statements
CONNECTING: ...trying to explore interior/exterior passageways and interior psychological spaces...
— bert leveille, artist
rotunda gallery 1
Streaming Reflections – CROSSOVER
This painting “crossover” is perhaps my “Guernica”. Consistent with my intent to present mindful beings, these figures are like us. Are they fleeing, protecting, escaping, soaring, overcoming...? A wall, a prison, an impossible situation, a personal haunting, a mind that won’t give them rest…? Are they making it, surviving, succeeding, rejoicing…? My interpretation includes optimism.
My life experience is filtered through me — surrounds me as I paint. I cannot escape the realities of children being separated from their parents, human beings treated lesser because they are unfamiliar (we are the same). Are they crossing over? Are we crossing over? Is our society crossing over?
rotunda gallery 2
Streaming Reflections – CONNECTING
I am exploring consciousness.
I painted these paintings while connecting to my Mom, pulling images from the paint — like seeing images in clouds, and playing music: notably “City of Angels”, “Love and Rockets Express”, “Brainwave Suite” and “Awakening Spirit”.
The animation video “into the ellipse” was created before my Mom left me to dance the celestial dance with my Dad, but maybe it foreshadowed her departure. I am trying to explore interior/exterior passageways and interior psychological spaces while connecting to the collective conscious.
Also playing: the video, “colour voyage” further explores this connection. I have extrapolated the colour images largely from the four paintings in this installation.