about bert leveille press and writings — interviews: video and written
interviews — video:
interviews — print:
Evanston E/artgroup exhibit 2014 Interview by Russell J.
E/artgroup - June - Artists of the Month Schaumburg Prairie Center for the Arts "E/ five" exhibit 2010
Evanston Public Library: Can you tell us a little about your background as an artist? How did you get started in art? Was there something specific in your life that sparked a need to create? What drove you in the beginning? What drives you now?
bert leveille: I always enjoyed art. ...
not until college when I was pursuing a career in theater that I discovered my real vocation as an artist. That interest in theater has spurred a lifelong quest of creating a space, an environment that one can enter and experience. To this end, I have done large-scale installations and worked with a choreographer to create a large tunnel for dancers to interact with. My smaller paintings are glimpses of these larger spaces.
I continue this journey of visual exploration of my subconscious linked to input from my conscious experiences. ...
EPL: How do you describe your art? Do you see yourself as fitting in with any particular artistic movements or styles? Do you work in any other mediums?
bert leveille: My art is abstract, surreal and non-representational. Although somewhat figurative, the figures are not necessarily human. I am intrigued with the dynamics of the abstract and the suggestion of realism.
When I began painting I felt I was an abstract expressionist, but imagery kept evolving from the work, and I finally let the paint guide me – much like the images that appear in clouds. Artists that influence me are: Kandinsky, Pollock, Miro, Tanguy, Dali, Gorky and most recently, Rothko. Rothko also created spaces, meditative and contemplative. The minimalism of his art has influenced me as I have tried to remove noise in my work.
In addition to traditional mediums (acrylic, watercolor, drawing, oil and mixed) I am exploring digital painting. This medium allows new avenues of expression. I am using these paintings to combine with traditional mediums and to create movies of the digital painting process.
EPL: What are your future goals and plans as an artist?
bert leveille: I am working with new ways to create installation spaces incorporating the digital paintings and movies – so combining the traditional with video of a painting forming.