listen to color
an installation to experience colour like a sea voyage of colour in the large vault in Woodstock's Old Courthouse Arts Center

"listen to colour"
So, why an homage to Rothko? In the last few years I have connected with Rothko and discovered our mutual intense desire to create a contemplative space. Rothko is known for large shapes of colour, and the meditative qualities of his art. In my video, “colour voyage,” I have extrapolated the colour largely from the four paintings in this installation. The intent is to allow one to listen to the colour. What does it say? How does it affect emotions? Thought? Colour relates to everything in and around it. I have borrowed sound from nature (specifically sounds of the ocean) to create white noise (or… the sounds of the spirits of the vault). This assists in filtering out other distractions and encouraging a space for contemplation; a space to listen to colour; to experience colour.
The intent is for this colour voyage to be ever-changing and have the feel of a sea voyage, a virtual voyage, a colour voyage.
The four paintings “connecting” were first seen at Starline. I was connecting to my Mom and others that I miss. I was listening to spirits and the collected conscience. In the midst of political and social challenges and fury, I hope to offer a time-out and a connection to our deeper more universal selves during this “colour voyage”.