innaugural solo exhibition at Accelerator gallery, Elmhurst University

bert leveille ARTIST STATEMENT
This exhibition space bridges the technology of the last century with the discoveries of this century. The space embodies one of the original atom splitters of the mid 20th century.
The painting "Amber Bridge" alludes Amber which is approximately 30-90 million years old and may hold life forms from the past, but of more import may lead to significant scientific discovery for the future. Reviving ancient microbes found in the amber could lead to replacing ineffective antibiotics and studying ancient revived bacteria may further our understanding of evolution. Amber is fossilized resin from ancient forests and I live and work in a contemporary forest. This painting also bridges some of my older paintings from the last century with my newer works from this century and looks towards works to come. The alternate world discovered in my work bridges a timeless reality as scientific research bridges a cosmic reality. It could be that my alternate world is really a world embodied in amber!